Collapse feature at EPR (2004)

Collapse feature at EPR (2004)

At mid-ocean ridges like the East Pacific Rise (EPR), collapse features are common along the axis of the spreading center. Cracks and collapse features can help with the mixing of cool seawater with hot hydrothermal fluids, and also provide pathways for warm water to escape from the seafloor resulting in conditions optimal for specialized organisms like these.
Species (common):
Year: 2004
Media Type: Photograph
Data Type: Photograph
Device Type: Camera:Digital
Feature: EPR:9N:Tica
Investigator: Vicki Ferrini
Expedition: AT11-20
Chief Scientist: Marvin Lilley
Species: Riftia pachyptila (Tube worm) Bathymodiolus thermophilus Munidopsis subsquamosa