Hydrogen isotope cycling in subduction zones (2008)

Hydrogen isotope cycling in subduction zones (2008)

A schematic diagram showing a model for how H isotopes in Earth reservoirs are cycled through subduction zone systems. The effect of the dehydration process on H isotopes is illustrated assuming 92% dehydration of the slab and a case where the fluids released have an average dD of -34 0/00. An important consequence of this process is that the down-going slab would have extremely low dD values and thus it is predicted that the recycled slab component found in ocean island basalts would also have low dD values [Shaw et al., 2008].
Species (common):
Year: 2008
Details: From GeoPRISMS Draft Science Plan
Media Type: Illustration
Data Type: Interpretation:Geologic
Device Type: NotApplicable
Feature: NotApplicable
Investigator: Alison Shaw
Expedition: IBM:Fischer
Chief Scientist: Tobias Fischer