Photomosaic of Crab Basin vent cluster at Mothra (2003)

Photomosaic of Crab Basin vent cluster at Mothra (2003)

Mosaic of a diffusely venting, cockscomb array at Crab Basin. In 1998, the top 1.5 m of Gwenen (far left) was removed during the Edifice Rex expedition. By 2003, when this composite image was collected, a small bush of tubeworms had grown above the cut surface. Subhorizontal fractures within the chimney are lined with white bacterial mat. Twenty images from ROPOS Dive 725 were used in this mosaic, created by Mitchell Elend, University of Washington.
Species (common):
Year: 2003
Media Type: Photomosaic
Data Type: Photograph:Mosaic
Device Type: Camera:Digital
Feature: JdF:Endeavour:Mothra:CrabBasin
Investigator: Deborah Kelley
Chief Scientist: