
Gulf of California Focus Site activity map (2008)

Gulf of California Focus Site activity map (2008)

MARGINS Gulf of California Focus Site activity map showing instrument and profile line locations. Source: * MGDS MARGINS Data Portal. # NARS-Baja Project website. ^ IRIS permanent Seismic Network/ UNAVCO sites through GeoMapApp WFS layer. + PETDB/GEOROC/NAVDAT databases from GeoMapApp.
Species (common):
Year: 2008
Media Type: Map
Data Type:
Device Type:
Feature: GulfOfCalifornia

Izu-Bonin-Marianas Focus Site activity map (2008)

Izu-Bonin-Marianas Focus Site activity map (2008)

MARGINS Izu-Bonin-Mariana (IBM) Focus Site activity map showing instrument and profile line locations. Sources: Melt Inclusions: A. Kent; Magmatic Volatiles: Hilton and Fischer; Arc front volcanoes: Syracuse & Abers, 2006 G-Cubed; ODP/DSDP sites: Janus Database; Analysis of DSDP Samples -- Hickey-Vargas, pers. comm. 2005 and Reagan, pers. com. 2005; 2004 JAMSTEC multibeam and Shinkai 6500 dives -- Reagan pers com.

Nankai Focus Site activity map (2008)

Nankai Focus Site activity map (2008)

MARGINS Nankai Focus Site activity map showing instrument and profile line locations. Sources: Basemap (relief), multichannel seismic (MCS), and 1997-2001 deep seismic lines - Kodaira, NanTroSEIZE Workshop, 2002. 1999 3-D seismic survey, swath bathymetry, heatflow measurements, and 3 month OBS deployments - Kodaira, as above; Bangs, as above; Bangs, SEIZE Workshop, 2003; Moore et al., 2007; and MGDS. ODP sites - Bangs, as above. NanTroSEIZE Phase I-III drilling onboard Chikyu. Kumaro 3-D seismic survey - G.

New Zealand Focus Site activity map (2008)

New Zealand Focus Site activity map (2008)

MARGINS New Zealand Focus Site activity map showing instrument and profile line locations. Sources: Land Data from Hicks, 2003 (MARGINS Waipoa Workshop, Gisborne, New Zealand, 2003) and MARGINS New Zealand focus area website; Off-shore data from MARGINS Data Portal. Hydrographic Soundings not shown.
Species (common):
Year: 2008
Media Type: Map
Data Type:
Device Type:
Feature: NewZealand
Investigator: MARGINS Office
Chief Scientist:

Papua New Guinea Focus Site activity map (2008)

Papua New Guinea Focus Site activity map (2008)

MARGINS Papua New Guinea (PNG) Focus Site activity map showing instrument and profile line locations. Sources: Basemap (bathymetry and rivers) and offshore cores – Driscoll (pers. comm.). 25 hour anchor stations (tidal sediment flux), flow monitoring stations, and Kiwai Channel multibeam bathymetry – Crocket et al, 2008 and MGDS. Multichannel seismics (MCS) and other shipboard data – Crockett, MARGINS Waipaoa Workshop, 2003; Driscoll (pers. comm.); Milliman (pers. comm.) and MGDS. Ok Tedi Mining Ltd.

RCL Gulf of California receiver function model (2008)

RCL Gulf of California receiver function model (2008)

Large-scale model for the Gulf of California Region based on receiver functions and surface wave inversions. The triangles are the NARS-Baja stations and the green circles are locations of receiver functions. The depth panels in the right panel show the shear-wave velocity along transects denoted by the lines on the map. The southernmost E-W panels shows the sharp athenosphere anomaly associated with the spreading center, while the northernmost panel shows a diffuse athenosphere upwelling.

RCL Gulf of California seismometer locations (2008)

RCL Gulf of California seismometer locations (2008)

Location of the SCOOBA OBS stations (triangles), and complementary on-shore broadband stations (squares). Also shown are CMT mechanisms for two large events recorded by the array, as well as locations for over 30 local events (black circles). NARS-Baja = Margins-funded temporary deployment. RESBAN = regional network operated by CICESE. Image from the MARGINS 2008 Decadal Review research nugget.
Species (common):
Year: 2008
Media Type: Map

Hydrophone used to record the sound of hydrothermal venting (2004)

Video thumbnail for Hydrophone used to record the sound of hydrothermal venting (2004)

Movie showing a hydrophone system deployed at Sully in 2004, with inserted audio from later in the deployment.
Species (common):
Year: 2004
Media Type: Video
Data Type: FluidFlow
Device Type: Camera:Video
Feature: JdF:Endeavour:MEF:Sully
Investigator: Timothy Crone
Chief Scientist:

OBS recovery at EPR with Jason 2 (2007)

Video thumbnail for OBS recovery at EPR with Jason 2 (2006)

The Jason 2 Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV) frees an ocean bottom seismometer and sends it to the surface after it had become stuck in lava during a seafloor eruption at the East Pacific Rise study site during late 2005 - early 2006.
Species (common):
Year: 2007
Media Type: Video
Data Type: Photograph
Device Type: Camera:Video
Feature: EPR
Investigator: Daniel Fornari
Expedition: AT15-17
Chief Scientist: Emily Klein

Temperature probe at EPR (2007)

Temperature probe at EPR (2007)

Temperature measurements are taken at a black smoker hydrothermal vent at the East Pacific Rise study site, April 2007.
Species (common):
Year: 2007
Media Type: Photograph
Data Type: Photograph
Device Type: Camera:Digital
Feature: EPR:9N:OSC
Investigator: Emily Klein
Expedition: AT15-17
Chief Scientist: Emily Klein